Craig Drohan
Programmer Advanced
Craig Drohan is a programmer advanced at The Hilltop Institute, where his responsibilities primarily focus on data manipulation and analysis of large health care data sets under a variety of operating systems. He contributes to the maintenance and new development of the processing for monthly and quarterly updates of production data files.
Before joining Hilltop, Craig was a senior consultant with Monument Economics Group (MEG), where he played an integral role in building the start-up, co-led the data analysis department, and executed analyses for multi-million-dollar litigation matters. These analyses included multiple linear regression models, which were used to model the product pricing behavior, data visualization, and competitive market structure analysis. These analyses were primarily performed in SAS and STATA. Prior to that, Craig was a consultant/senior consultant with Nathan Associates. There he led a team of analysts in several matters, including a class-action litigation matter that resulted in the largest ever indirect anti-competitive class-action settlement of $115 million. He also developed an algorithm for data/regression modeling to help optimize results and reduce latency, saving clients hundreds of thousands of dollars and increasing productivity across the firm. Craig also has consulting experience with AACG Inc., a boutique economic consulting firm specializing in firm price optimization, including the implementation of a “sun burst” cross-price elasticity model. Craig was responsible for developing new code to efficiently apply rebates/returns/price adjustments to transaction-level data; researching and developing a DCF (discount cash flow) model and multiples valuation for a South American cement plant; and running sensitivities on internal data analyses models for evaluation.
Craig holds a BA in economics from the University of Maryland College of Behavioral & Social Sciences and an MBA (with a focus on data analysis) from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland.